Emmanuel offers electronic giving
Share your generosity online at any time​
Click on the DONATE NOW button below to make a one-time donation or to make offerings in weekly, semi-monthly or monthly installments. Pay by credit card, checking account or savings account. Create a profile to manage and track your giving.

There's an app for that!
Download the Vanco Mobile Faith app for on-the-go giving.
Give electronically without being 'online'
You can also give electronically by direct debit from your checking or savings account, or with a credit card. Print and fill out this AUTHORIZATION FORM and return to the church office.
For info
For technical assistance, questions or more information, contact Maria in the office at 717-632-8281 or office@eucchanover.org.

Your giving at work
EUCC’s mission and outreach efforts promote and support the following organizations by providing time, talents and gifts.
Local partners
Hanover Area Council of Churches
New Hope Ministries
God's Meal Barrel
The Salvation Army – Hanover Service Unit
Hoffman Homes for Youth
Homewood at Plum Creek
The Brethren Home Community at Cross Keys Village
HART Center in New Oxford
Hanover United for Refugee Resettlement
Hanover Area YWCA
Hanover Against Hunger
UCC offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing: Supports health, education, agriculture, refugee and emergency relief in over 130 countries worldwide.
Strengthen the Church: For new and renewing UCC churches, youth ministries and leadership.
Neighbors in Need: Supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the U.S.
The Christmas Fund: Provides assistance to retired UCC clergy in need and their families.
Other national and international efforts
UCC Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program
Church World Service
Fisher House Foundation for veterans
Heifer International