Music at Emmanuel
Emmanuel has a diversified music program with options for people of all ages, abilities, and musical interests.
Opportunities for special music, from vocalists and instrumentalists, are available throughout the church year. Ask about our Voce a cappella choir, women's choir, Emmanuel Jam praise band, EUCC Ring & Sing for children and youth, and small ensembles.
Chancel Choir
Open to high school students through adults
Rehearsals: Thursdays at 7 pm
Sings a variety of music for worship
Emmanuel Ringers Handbell Choir
Open to high school students through adults
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 6 pm
Rings at worship on special occasions
New singers and ringers are always welcome!
For more information about music at Emmanuel,
contact Music Director Amy Kwon by
email at akskwon@yahoo.com or leave a
message at the church office, 717-632-8281.

Amy Kwon, Music Director
EUCC Community Concert Series
The 2024-2025 season continues through May 4
Our annual concert series serves as an outreach to Hanover and the surrounding communities to introduce each and all to the beauty of Emmanuel and to offer the gift of music presented here. A dessert reception follows each concert to meet the performing artists. All concerts are free and no tickets are required.